Filter operators
Quick reference about Filter operators in Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC).
URL Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
$filter | string | Filter by ParentId using a simple operator and value. ParentId is the only allowed field. If you don't provide a $filter parameter, the query returns all the Categories in your MID. |
$page | number | Page number to return from the paged results. Start with 1 and continue until you get zero results. Typically provided along with the $pagesize parameter. |
$pagesize | number | Number of results per page to return. Typically provided along with the $page parameter. |
$orderBy | string | Determines which category property to use for sorting, and also determines the direction in which to sort the data. If you don't provide the $orderBy parameter, the results are sorted by category ID in ascending order. |
scope | string | Determines which MIDs the query results come from. To return categories that reside in your MID, either don't add the scope parameter or call the endpoint like this: .../categories?scope=Ours. To return categories that are shared to your MID, or that you have shared with other MIDs, call the endpoint like this: .../categories?scope=Shared. To return all categories visible to your MID, call the endpoint like this: .../categories?scope=Ours,Shared. |
Filter syntax
/asset/v1/content/categories?$filter=parentId eq 3916
Filter operators
Operator | Description |
eq | Equals. Compares numbers and strings. |
neq | Is not equal to. Compares numbers and strings. |
lt | Is less than. Compares numbers only. |
lte | Is less than or equal to. Compares numbers only. |
gt | Is greater than. Compares numbers only. |
gte | Is greater than or equal to. Compares numbers only. |
like | Is similar to. Compares strings only. |