Send an email with a TriggeredSend Definition verified

Learn how to send an email using a Triggered Send Definition in Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC) with SSJS (server-side JavaScript). Code snippets include WSProxy, Core and REST API methods.


var config = {
    TriggeredSendDefinition: 123456,
    Attributes : {
        FirstName: "John",
        Language: "EN"
    Subscriber : {
        EmailAddress: "",
        SubscriberKey: "S0M3-GU1D-K3Y-G03SR1G4T-H3R3"

var tsd = TriggeredSend.Init(config.TriggeredSendDefinition);

var result = tsd.Send(config.Subscriber, config.Attributes);
<script runat="server">

    Platform.Load("core", "1");
	try {

        var config = {
            TriggeredSendDefinition: 123456,
            Attributes : {
                FirstName: "John",
                Language: "EN"
            Subscriber : {
                EmailAddress: "",
                SubscriberKey: "S0M3-GU1D-K3Y-G03SR1G4T-H3R3"

        var tsd = TriggeredSend.Init(config.TriggeredSendDefinition);
		var result = tsd.Send(config.Subscriber, config.Attributes);

	} catch(error) {



var api = new Script.Util.WSProxy();

var config = {
    TriggeredSendDefinition: {
        CustomerKey: 123456
    Subscribers: [
            EmailAddress: "",
            SubscriberKey: "S0M3-GU1D-K3Y-G03SR1G4T-H3R3",
            Attributes: [
                    Name: "FirstName",
                    Value: "John"
                    Name: "LastName",
                    Value: "Doe"

var result = api.createItem('TriggeredSend', config);
<script runat="server">

    Platform.Load("core", "1");

    var api = new Script.Util.WSProxy();
	try {

        var config = {
            TriggeredSendDefinition: {
                CustomerKey: 123456
            Subscribers: [
                    EmailAddress: "",
                    SubscriberKey: "S0M3-GU1D-K3Y-G03SR1G4T-H3R3",
                    Attributes: [
                            Name: "FirstName",
                            Value: "John"
                            Name: "LastName",
                            Value: "Doe"

        var result = api.createItem('TriggeredSend', config);

	} catch(error) {

    "Status": "OK",
    "RequestID": "S0M3-GU1D-K3Y-G03SR1G4T-H3R3",
    "Results": [
            "SubscriberFailures": [],
            "NewID": 0,
            "NewObjectID": null,
            "PartnerKey": null,
            "Object": null,
            "CreateResults": null,
            "ParentPropertyName": null,
            "StatusCode": "OK",
            "StatusMessage": "Created TriggeredSend",
            "OrdinalID": 0,
            "ErrorCode": 0,
            "RequestID": null,
            "ConversationID": null,
            "OverallStatusCode": null,
            "RequestType": "Synchronous",
            "ResultType": null,
            "ResultDetailXML": null


var externalKey = "123456";

var payload = {
    "From": {
        "Address": "",
        "Name": "My Account"
    "To": {
        "Address": "",
        "SubscriberKey": "S0M3-GU1D-K3Y-G03SR1G4T-H3R3",
        "ContactAttributes": {
            "SubscriberAttributes": {
                "FirstName": "John",
                "LastName": "Doe"

var endpoint = restInstanceUrl + "/messaging/v1/messageDefinitionSends/key:" + externalKey + "/send";

var request = HTTP.Post(endpoint, "application/json", Stringify(payload), ["Authorization"], ["Bearer " + accessToken]);

var result = Platform.Function.ParseJSON(String(request.Response));
<script runat="server">

    Platform.Load("core", "1");

    var api = new Script.Util.WSProxy();

    var restInstanceUrl = "",
        accessToken     = "YOUR_REST_API_TOKEN";
    try {

      var externalKey = "123456";

      var payload = {
          "From": {
              "Address": "",
              "Name": "My Account"
          "To": {
              "Address": "",
              "SubscriberKey": "S0M3-GU1D-K3Y-G03SR1G4T-H3R3",
              "ContactAttributes": {
                  "SubscriberAttributes": {
                      "FirstName": "John",
                      "LastName": "Doe"

      var endpoint = restInstanceUrl + "/messaging/v1/messageDefinitionSends/key:" + externalKey + "/send";

      var request = new Script.Util.HttpRequest(endpoint);
          request.emptyContentHandling = 0;
          request.retries = 2;
          request.continueOnError = true;
          request.setHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + accessToken);
          request.method = "POST";
          request.contentType = "application/json";
          request.postData = Stringify(payload);

      var results = request.send();

      var result = Platform.Function.ParseJSON(String(results.content));

    } catch(error) {


  "requestId": "S0M3-GU1D-K3Y-G03SR1G4T-H3R3",
  "responses": [
      "recipientSendId": "S0M3-GU1D-K3Y-G03SR1G4T-H3R3",
      "hasErrors": false,
      "messages": [


In payload, From refers to the existing Sender Profile data. Send error will occur when the From data doesn't exist in the implementation.


Ressources and references related to the current methods.

Official documentation
SOAP object

Last Updated: